Let's talk about a matter that touch me very closely but is not seeing.....INVISIBLE DISABILITIES.
A person with an invisible disability from the outside looks "normal" but on the inside our body is fighting the battle of living with an Invisible Chronic Illness, and your mind fights the battle of living in a world of judgement, where only few people understand what you are up against.
Just to clarified, because you can't see it, doesn't mean We are crazy, neither making it up. This is a daily challenge, that we constantly learn about ourselves everyday as things change of how to deal with our own ILLNESS in the best way we can, but around us there is people and a system that doesn't give enough support. There is a need for more awareness about this matter as now days people like me feels more isolate it and disbelieve, and this then progress to depression and anxiety, and then it starts a vicious circle.
How well we deal with the illness depends also in how much support we get, specially the mental support, so quick tip try to avoid some of this phrases:
-But you don't look sick.
-You are always tired.
-At least is not cancer.
-Lucky you who can't work.
-"You are a Drug Addict"(referring to the tablets) etc..
So if you see a person with a disable badge but it looks "normal" don't be judgemental, as you don't know what Illness they are facing and how much they may be struggling on the daily basis! We are not weak, not at all! We are fighting to survive in a world where if you are disable you need to be in a wheelchair or you need to show your impairment. We all have the right to speak our truth and be heard and being believed shouldn't be a privilege.
Under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental Impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on your ability to do daily activities you are DISABLE.
A person with an invisible disability from the outside looks "normal" but on the inside our body is fighting the battle of living with an Invisible Chronic Illness, and your mind fights the battle of living in a world of judgement, where only few people understand what you are up against.
Just to clarified, because you can't see it, doesn't mean We are crazy, neither making it up. This is a daily challenge, that we constantly learn about ourselves everyday as things change of how to deal with our own ILLNESS in the best way we can, but around us there is people and a system that doesn't give enough support. There is a need for more awareness about this matter as now days people like me feels more isolate it and disbelieve, and this then progress to depression and anxiety, and then it starts a vicious circle.
How well we deal with the illness depends also in how much support we get, specially the mental support, so quick tip try to avoid some of this phrases:
-But you don't look sick.
-You are always tired.
-At least is not cancer.
-Lucky you who can't work.
-"You are a Drug Addict"(referring to the tablets) etc..
So if you see a person with a disable badge but it looks "normal" don't be judgemental, as you don't know what Illness they are facing and how much they may be struggling on the daily basis! We are not weak, not at all! We are fighting to survive in a world where if you are disable you need to be in a wheelchair or you need to show your impairment. We all have the right to speak our truth and be heard and being believed shouldn't be a privilege.
Under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental Impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on your ability to do daily activities you are DISABLE.
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