This week is nearly finish and it has been quite a WEEK Mental Health awareness week in UK, and I want to share with you some of my favorite post about it, as I personally have struggled with it.
"Life is too short,
to spend another day of it,
fighting an Internal war with yourself"
"You don't have to have it all,
figured it out with what you got
how to move forward...
just take the next step"
so don't always believe in what you think."
"You are not your illness.
you have an individual story to tell..
You have a name, a history, a personality.
Staying YOURSELF is part of the battle, and
healing the wounds from it isn't changing who you are,
it's about changing your relationship with yourself,
a fundamental part of that is honoring how you feel"
"BREATHE is just a bad day,
not a bad life...
so don't be ashamed of your story.
It will inspire other."
Hope this Quotes can help you, or even giving you a bit of strength to CARRY ON, and SHINE BEING YOURSELF!!..